My Story

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love art and design. One of my earliest memories involves using my bedroom walls as a canvas for my first large-scale art piece. I carefully traced my hand over and over, using every color in the extensive palette found within my Crayola 64 Crayon Box. I like to think I was inspired by the ancient drawings and stenciled hands at the Cueva de las Manos. However, my first critic, who happened to be my mother, was not impressed. Needless to say, the reviews were not favorable.

Throughout childhood, my interest in the arts always remained strong. My family lived a rather nomadic life, moving every few years. Sometimes we moved around the United States, other times the locations we lived in were more exotic – like Yanbu, Saudi Arabia or Salzburg, Austria. Through the perpetual change one constant remained, my interest in art. I spent much of my free time with my sketch book, drawing the people I met and the places I saw during my travels. After taking both IB and AP art classes, I decided that whatever I did in the future, art had to be a major part of it.

I applied to, and graduated from, the Journalism School at the University of Missouri – Columbia. My focus was on newspaper design and editing and I was passionate about it. It combined art with my other interest, reading. Many late nights were spent in front of a computer (we even used Quark back then) working on the perfect layout, trying to get the piece just right so as to capture a reader’s attention.

After graduation, I landed my first job in Cincinnati, Ohio as the Associate Editor of the Cincinnati Business Courier. I moved my way across the country, eventually working and settling in New York City.

Currently, I live in New Jersey and spend my time freelancing and critiquing my own daughter’s art work.


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